Be nice to your trees
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Here are some resources on other websites that you might find helpful.

For homeowners

For planners, developers and the commercial sector

  • Tree Protection Handbook (PDF)
    • For planners, inspectors, consultants, developers and builders who work with trees during construction and development: the Tree Protection on Construction and Development Sites: A Best Management Practices Guidebook for the Pacific Northwest.

For teachers

Why are trees beneficial?

A: Trees provide a variety of benefits besides environmental, such as social, community, and economic. Trees provide an array of benefits, including:

  • Cost Reduction- reduces yearly heating and cooling costs by 2.1 billion dollars
  • Increase Property Value- well-cared landscape properties are 5-20% more valuable than non-landscaped estates.
  • Privacy and Scenery, aesthetic values

The following facts are results from studies conducted by UIUC Human-Environment Research Laboratory:

  • Fewer Crimes- apartment buildings surrounded by trees and greenery are dramatically safer than buildings devoid of green
  • Improves Concentration- children with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) are relieved after contact with nature. The greener the setting, the more the relief.
  • Sound Barrier- acts as sound barriers and provide protection against crowding, noise, and danger, which all can contribute to mental fatigue, and can help inner-city residents cope with the many poverty related-stresses

Specializing in Holistic Plant Health Care