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Trees and summer stress…The heat and the smoke have big effects on our trees, Here’s what you can do to help them through!


Trees and summer stress…The heat and the smoke have big effects on our trees, Here’s what you can do to help them through!

As we look forward to summer around here it came  a little brutal. The last few summers have been real dry and this is a drought as far as the trees are concerned, how much water does a 90′ tall Cedar tree need?

You’ll be amazed at what they can drink, but they also get confused in a drought. A mature Red Cedar can drink 400 gallons of water in one day, that’s why they live here.

However a tree in drought stress can over drink if too much water comes at once, so water them slow. The foliage let’s water escape and when water is scarce they close up some to slow the water evaporation down. If they get a huge drink it kinda water logs them and can cause branches to break and fall, the reaction is slow for the tree to know it has water now.

Any way water your trees, at the drip line, where the rain would drip off the leaves and hit the ground…it’s dry under a tree, so water at the drip line.

You can use a soak-er hose or a sprinkler to give them a drink, but like in the old western movies in the desert the guy is dying of thirst but he can only have a little at a time!


Specializing in Holistic Plant Health Care